If you're on this page you may be considering selling your business in the coming years and are looking for ways to prepare. There are 3 key elements to planning an exit: 1) Are YOU, the owner, prepared with the proper funds to carry you through retirement? How much do you need, and how much does the sale of your business mean to that number? To analyze that, take this short survey to get your Freedom Report 2) Are YOU, the owner, personally ready to exit our business and move on to other things? How tied are you to the business? Can the business run without you? To answer your question, take this short survey called the Personal Readiness to Exit (PREScore) 3) How much is your company worth now, and how much COULD it be worth? Is your company set up for a successful sale? What elements to buyers value in order to give you a higher than average purchase price? Let's find out by taking the ValueBuilder Survey |